Welcome to my website and blog. I am delighted to share my favorite recipes, and stories along with inspirational guidance to help you on your journey of wellness and nutritional healing. Hope you have a nice stay!
Individualized and Family Counseling
Nutritional counseling takes into consideration your present eating patterns, lifestyle, emotional and social needs, environmental and cultural preferences, and your personal goals. Your information is reviewed and then with the guidance of a registered dietitian, an individualized plan along with your personal goals are created for you.
Children and Adolescent Weight Management Programs
Children and Adolescent Weight Management Programs are in the process of being organized. These programs will be conducted at Pediatrics of Arlington. The behavioral aspects of eating and the relationship to food, cooking classes, nutrition education, and body image issues are some of the topics that are addressed in this 10 week program. Please call for more information.
Tailored Wellness Program Packages
Tailored wellness program packages are available upon request. This may include individual counseling sessions along with home pantry make-overs, home cooking classes, group counseling, grocery shopping tours, trips to local farmers markets, and restaurant dining experiences. These packages are designed to bring you the ultimate nutrition experience in a variety of settings which will empower you to feel confident about your nutritional health and well-being.
Nutrition Kitchen Calls
This service is for individuals and families who want to “bring in the new and healthy and get rid of the old and processed”. The dietitian comes into your home, goes through your fridge, cabinets, pantry, spices and staples, and re-educates you on ways to improve the quality of food in your home. A nutrition education session is presented as we go through your kitchen with a home inventory list, and together you learn about making substitutions, revamping recipes and making improvements to your heart of your home.
Menu Analysis
Dietary analysis of your 3-5 day intake can be evaluated with the aid of a nutrition computer program and then with the help of your nutritionist, recommendations are made to improve your overall diet.
Supermarket Tours
These shopping trips are generally conducted at Trader Joe's, Safeway, Wegmans, or Whole Foods. Together we walk down each aisle and have discussions about food choices, recipes, label reading, incorporating new foods into your diet, having fun with new options and how to recognize making healthier food choices when marketing. Topics discussed are: label reading, processed vs. pure foods, fresh vs. canned & frozen foods, protein quality, healthy carbohydrate choices, refined sugars, healthy cooking oils, snack choices, meals in minutes, portion sizes, optimal staple items to always have on hand and quality vs. quantity buying. Folks who have experienced this tour have found it to be extremely fun and valuable for themselves and the entire family and afterwards have looked at the food-shopping experience in a very different light.
Home Cooking Classes and Kid’s Cooking Parties
Having the ability to create authentic and healthy meals begins at home. Many disease states can be improved and medications no longer needed once healthier foods are incorporated into your diet which nourish the mind and the body. During a home cooking session, I will come into your home, and along with you and those you invite to the session, we cook up an entrée & dessert “made to order”. The menu is planned 1 week ahead of time which takes into consideration dietary needs and food preferences. This session takes approx. 1 ½ hours and nutrition education is implemented along with culinary tips throughout the session. Some themes that have been done in the past are: Mexican Fiestas, Halloween Healthy Treats, Friendly Desserts for the Diabetic, Vegetarian Cooking, Tea Party & Tierras, Low Fat Cooking with High Fat Taste and 10 Minute Meals. This is also a fun activity that can be tailored for a child’s birthday party.
Cyber Counseling and Phone Sessions
Cyber Counseling and phone sessions are another available service at Nutritional Healing for those individuals with busy schedules or folks who are out of town and still want support while they are away. These meetings take place via SKYPE or telephone and are personal, private, and conducted like an in person session with complete privacy and professionalism. Often times, clients will choose to do a combination of cyber counseling along with coming into the office as their schedule permits.